-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
EXNORA Zero Waste Management Program was established in 1997 in conjunction with the environmental organization of the same name from Chennai. The project uses the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ principle, with each item segregated by hand and all biodegradable waste turned into compost. Paper, glass, and cardboard are recycled, and plastic bags are washed, dried, and sold for recycling.
Today, EXNORA (EXcellent NOvel and RAdical ideas) is a completely self-sustaining unit, collecting more than two tons of waste a day and employing nearly two hundred local workers, including those with disabilities (this means that rather than being a burden to their family, they can contribute to the family’s economy).
This program requires no electricity and is a model for other rural communities worldwide to adopt.
Every day, 2 tons of waste is collected, and our team sorts each item by hand.
Vermi Composting
All biodegradable including banana leaves (we serve meals on), food waste from the dining areas, ingredients leftover from temple poojas, flower garlands, cow dung, and urine (direct from our cow shed — the mixture of dung and uring neutralizes the odor) are collected, and slowly breaks down under the hot sun for three months.
The second phase is moved into the vermicomposting shed, where worms bred on-site, break down the compost even further for another three months. Finally, the compost is sifted and packed into bags. This compost, known as ‘black gold’, is sold at the temple and used in the campus gardens, afforestation areas, and tree nursery.
After 3 months under the hot sun, the biodegradable mulch is moved into the shed to be broken down by worms over the next 3 months.