Green Sakthi Club
Green Sakthi Club
Open to students from grades 5 to 8, Green Sakthi Club is a program all about hands-on green education. Tree planting, veggie harvesting, tree maintenance, drawing nature, picking up rubbish - you name it! Anything and everything that creates awareness for the health of our beautiful planet and gets our hands in soil is exactly what Green Sakthi club is all about. We have already had the pleasure of educating over 6000 students to date!
Nurturing Kids
Over the years, we have found that when children experience nature for themselves, they cultivate connection, joy, fun, wonder and care. These are powerful experiences with lasting effects, often transcending the prescriptive approach of text books and homework about environmental matters. We believe that this raw and deep experience with nature ensures our best chance of nurturing adults that will care and commit to the longevity of our planet from the heart.
Our Goal
Our goal at Green Sakthi is to enable every school in Tamil Nadu to have its very own Green Sakthi Club, with this concept filtering out into schools around the globe. Our local kids at Greens Sakthi Club are extremely proactive with their Green ideas. It has emboldened their leadership qualities, inspired their nurturing instinct, sparked their awe, and most importantly, empowered them to understand that change begins from one very important source. Theirs.
Left: Volunteer, Dr Janani from UK after Green Sakthi Club with students planting trees.
We love to have volunteers at our Green Sakthi Club. Bring your skills and share them with the students. Volunteers can guide the students in tree planting, tree-watering, tree maintenance, vegetable gardening, reading about nature, creating art about nature... we have a wide range of possibilities! School is open from June - March (summer vacation being April / May). English is the main language taught at our school, so communication is easy.
We have artist residencies too for artists who wish to do a one-month project with the students.
Please email us if you are interested: trees@greensakthi(dot)org
“The Green Sakthi Club with grade 6 students was the most uplifting thing I have done in a long time! Those kids are so enthusiastic to do something as simple as plant a tree.”
Cameron, Calgary, Canada