5 Layer Food Forest Pilot :
1 acre on campus
A place for the community to learn
Food Forests
We are creating food forests to support land regeneration and food production on our campus in South India as a pilot for local farmers.
From August onwards, with the support of 5 layer farming pioneer, Mr Raju, we will hold monthly classes (at no cost) for anyone who wishes to learn about 5 layer food forests.
The fruits and vegetables we grow in our food forests are organic and will be used in our kitchens where we feed 5000 people everyday at no cost.
Benefits of a food forest:
Food diversity & security
Improves soil health
Increases water retention
Ecosystem Regeneration
Increase Bio-Diversity
Carbon Sequestrationo
Help flight climate change
Reconnect with nature & nature cycles
Learn more about the methodology below (only in Tamil for the moment, but we are planning on creating videos in English.)
5 layer organic food forests
Mr Raju was a chemical engineer and spent his career promoting chemical fertilizers. He got to a point that he knew he had to change what he was doing. He took an early retirement and dedicated his life to creating 5 layer organic farming. He has made several examples on his own land near Salem, TN, South India and every month he teaches local farmers of this methodology. This 5 layers system revitalizes the soil and also creates a big economical shift for the farmer, to being able to make a considerable profit annually.
We have started the first pilot for the Vellore region. Mr Raju has agreed to offer free classes from August 2023 onwards. (The only requirement is that we feed every person who comes to the class, which we do anyway!)
Your donation will support the continuation of growing this wonderful forest.

All donations to the 5 layer food forest is supported by Divine Love World Charity. Donations are tax deductible for USA residents only.
Food Forest Progress