Bee Keeping Classes
Apis Cerana Indica, the Indian honey bee, is a subspecies of Asiatic honey bee and a much smaller bee than the Western or European honey bee.
We have 25 Apis Cerana Indica bee hives in the Siddha Medicinal Forest for the purpose of pollination. The honey collected from these bees has very high medicinal properties.
Bee Classes
Every Saturday morning we learn about bee keeping in the Siddha Medicinal Forest behind the Sri Narayani Holistic Centre.
Classes are open to everyone. Contact us to join.

“There is one masterpiece, the hexagonal cell, that touches perfection.
No living creature, not even human, has achieved, in the centre of one's sphere, what the bee has achieved on her own: and if intelligence from another world were to descend and ask of the earth the most perfect creation, I would offer the humble comb of honey.”
— Maurice Maeterlinck, The Life Of The Bee, 1924
Planting food for the bees
We are planting maïs, pearl millet and flowers to help the bees and the butterfly population in our forest. Stay tuned for installments!