Medicinal Forest
About Us
Our medicinal forest is a 16 acre sacred grove surrounding Sri Narayani Holistic Centre in Vellore, South India.
We are planting medicinal trees, shrubs and herbs in accordance to the Siddha medicine, the world’s most ancient living medicine.

Flowering trees & bushes
in our medicinal forest
Moringa oleifera; drumstick tree. (Moringai - Tamil)
Melia azedarach; bead-tree, Indian lilac, or white cedar (Malai vembu)
Vachellia nilotica, more commonly known as Acacia nilotica; gum arabic tree, babul, thorn mimosa, Egyptian acacia or thorny acacia. (Vel)
Sesbania sesban; Egyptian riverhemp (Chempai)
Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis; Hibiscus (Chemparattai)
Nyctanthes arbor tristis; Night Jasmin. (Pavalamalli)
Nerium odorum; Oleander. (Alari)
Morinda tinctoria; Indian Mulberry (Nuna)
Acacia Catechu(Lin.f) Wild; Cutch tree; (Karungali)
Acacia leucophloea.Roxb.Willd; Bapul (with white bark) White babool, Distiller’s acacia. (Vel-vel)

Fruit trees
in our medicinal forest

Punica granatum; Pomegranate ( Mathalai)

Ficus carica, Linn; Fig ( Por-seendil/Shimai-Atti)

Phyllanthus acidus, Skeels; Country Goose-berry (Aru Nelli)

Ficus macrocarpa; Rhomboid leaved fig (Itti)